Sunday, October 13, 2013

The 'Ol Revise

Well fiber friends, it has happened and embarrassingly at the beginning. I am not sure how many did the copy of the Best Friend's Skate Skirt but, please be advised.... There was an errata! Oh yes, but I found it, a simple * in the incorrect place. It is in the ribbed waistband. 
The error reads: (P 1 round, 60 stitches to stitch marker, at stitch marker, * p1b, YO, p2tog tbl, ptbl 5,* repeat from star to stitch marker.)
It should read: P 1 round, 60 stitches to stitch marker, at stitch marker,  p1b, *YO, p2tog tbl, ptbl 5,* repeat from star to stitch marker. 
The repeat should be: *YO, p2tog tbl, ptbl 5*
I have corrected my blog post to read correctly, but I wanted for previous readers to be aware.
This mistake so very simple, yet embarrassing shows that I am human but, I do want to apologize for the mistake. It only has to do with how many eyelets are in the waistband but, the math is incorrect the old way.
Now, I may have to get a better proof reader and a new mouse.
If you would like a new PDF copy, leave me an email address in my comments and I will be glad to send out a copy. If you are on Ravelry and you do not get a new copy pm me there and I will send out a revised PDF copy.
Happy Knitting.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Lacy Yarn = Skate skirt

The creative bug has bitten me I enjoy dolls and lace. Eighteen inch dolls as of late along with more knitting than anything else fiber wise. Looking through my yarn stash I came across some netting lace yarn left over from making scarves for almost every female on my Christmas list last year.  I saw my 18" dolls and immediately pictured, skate skirts, ballet skirts and flapper dresses, all came into a flurried vision. I had to find needles, stabilizing yarn, the perfect stitch markers, pencil, paper, and tape measure along with all the little extras that make my knitting world whirl.  So, I pulled up my comfy chair, put on some inspirational music and cast on the lace yarn. After a wee bit of measuring and some math I began to knit and scribble notes, rip it and erase.  Then after a few hours I had something that I though was just too cute. Now, onto the photo session and posting to friends to see what they thought. Was it a keeper? Would other's dolls like one? Yes, it looks like they might. 
Back to another lacy yarn, more scribble, lots more counting and paying attention to what I am knitting. Voila a pretty skate skirt. The pattern is free and you may print a copy to use and share with others. I hope your doll loves it like mine do. 
Happy knitting.

Best Friend’s Net Lace Skate Skirt

1 skein of net lace yarn, 3.5oz/30yds (Red Heart Sashay)
1 skein of matching/coordinating, DK weight yarn
US 4 (3.5 mm) 5 double pointed needles
Stitch marker
Tapestry needle
¼” satin ribbon to match DK yarn
1 point protector
10 sts by 16 rows = 2” in St st (this is only for the DK yarn)
Using the net yarn, CO 60 loops of top ladder from end of yarn toward the left hand. Place point protector on needle to temporarily hold stitches.


pg 2.  Net Lace Skate Skirt

Divide stitches evenly onto 4 dpns (3.5 mm) and join the round.  (Netting should hang down below needles.)
K 60 sts , place stitch marker, K for 2 more rounds; at last stitch, add 3 loops to knit, knit loops , cut net yarn.
Tie on DK matching yarn at beginning of round at stitch marker.
Knit 8 rounds beginning and ending each round at stitch marker, tie off and cut DK yarn. (purl side will face inside) 
Pick up net yarn and insert needle through 3 loops at beginning of round, k 2 rounds, at last stitch before stitch marker, add 3 loops to knit and knit last stitch, cut net yarn.
Tie on DK yarn, K 60 sts to stitch marker.
Start ribbing for waist band, *K1 P1*, repeat from * to stitch marker for 5 rounds.
P 1 round, 60 stitches to stitch marker, at stitch marker,  p1b, *YO, p2tog tbl,  ptbl 5,* repeat from *  to stitch marker.
P tbl for 2 rounds then BO.
Weave in yarn ends, then roll cut netting edge and whip stich to neaten edges.
Use bodkin or tapestry needle and thread ¼” satin ribbon through eyelets in waistband.

pg3. Net Lace Skate Skirt


CO               Cast On

BO               Bind Off

DK               Double Knit

Dpns           Double pointed needles

K                  Knit

P                  Purl

P1b             Purl 1 through back

Ptbl             Purl through back loop
P2tog tbl   Purl 2 together through the back loops

St st            Stockinette stitch

YO              Yarn over

                                                      Copyright 2013 Martha Hanlon/Springhill Treasures