Sunday, October 13, 2013

The 'Ol Revise

Well fiber friends, it has happened and embarrassingly at the beginning. I am not sure how many did the copy of the Best Friend's Skate Skirt but, please be advised.... There was an errata! Oh yes, but I found it, a simple * in the incorrect place. It is in the ribbed waistband. 
The error reads: (P 1 round, 60 stitches to stitch marker, at stitch marker, * p1b, YO, p2tog tbl, ptbl 5,* repeat from star to stitch marker.)
It should read: P 1 round, 60 stitches to stitch marker, at stitch marker,  p1b, *YO, p2tog tbl, ptbl 5,* repeat from star to stitch marker. 
The repeat should be: *YO, p2tog tbl, ptbl 5*
I have corrected my blog post to read correctly, but I wanted for previous readers to be aware.
This mistake so very simple, yet embarrassing shows that I am human but, I do want to apologize for the mistake. It only has to do with how many eyelets are in the waistband but, the math is incorrect the old way.
Now, I may have to get a better proof reader and a new mouse.
If you would like a new PDF copy, leave me an email address in my comments and I will be glad to send out a copy. If you are on Ravelry and you do not get a new copy pm me there and I will send out a revised PDF copy.
Happy Knitting.

1 comment:

  1. I can't get far enough while knitting the skirt to get to the waistband part. After I get the first 60 stitches cast on then start knitting the next row it is twisted. I have started over so many times my yarn is a mess and I think that I will need to throw that piece out and start over. Do you have any suggestions?
